Childcare Center

State subsidy is accepted at Cooks Hill. Call today 360-736-6133

Monthly Tuition Rates

  • Nursery

    2 month - 11 month
    Our monthly flat rate for Nursery tuition is $1,110.00.

  • Lambs

    12 month - 24 month
    Our monthly flat rate for the lambs class tuition is $922.00.

  • Puppies

    24 month - 3 year old
    Our monthly flat rate for the Puppy class tuition is $922.00.

  • Stars

    3yr old (potty trained) - 4yr old
    Our monthly flat rate for the Stars class tuition is $838.00

  • Explorers

    4 yr old - 5yr old
    Our monthly flat rate for the Explorers class tuition is $838.00.

  • Schoolers Program

    5 years - 12 years - Elementary School
    The Schoolers classroom basis their tuition off of summer care, and before and after school care.

    Full Day/Summer Care monthly tuition is $739.00 a month, and before and after school care is $448.00 a month.

 State subsidy is accepted at Cooks Hill. Call today 360-736-6133

More information on State Subsidy WCCC eligibility can be found online at or call the center @ 360-736-6133 for a handout on how to apply for State Subsidy.

 Contact Us to Enroll Your Child Today