Following the way of Jesus means we seek the wellbeing of our community.
Praying is our first action in seeking the wellbeing of our community. Join in praying through the Lewis County Prayer Guide.
Father, we come to you on behalf of our county. We lift the more than eighty-two thousand individuals who reside within the borders of Lewis County. Though we pray beyond the borders of our county, we recognize our call to pray for the neighbors closest to us. We seek you right here in Lewis County, Lord.
We feel the tensions of division. We ask for open hearts and understanding.
We see the need for secure and affordable housing. We ask for decisions to be made for the flourishing of our communities.
We feel the need for safety and stability and often we fear change, we rebuke the spirit in us that prioritizes personal safety over the wellbeing of our city.
We see our schools struggling to meet the ever-changing needs of our students. Lord, give wisdom, strength, hope and compassion to teachers and administrators.
Most of all Lord, we see people of all economic, educational and religious status who live here. People who need you. Let us be the hands and feet of Jesus to this county. May our words and actions reflect the great love you have for ALL our citizens. Equip us, empower and embolden us to seek the well being of our community. In the Good News of the Gospel and in justice and mercy for our neighbors.
We humbly ask for your grace to be poured out here in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Amen.

Seeking the wellbeing of Lewis County begins in prayer, ends in prayer and is packed with practical hands-on care. We believe in pursuing love-driven justice for our city. So as a church we engage in areas of injustice as often as we can helping right the wrongs and demonstrate the love of God in practical ways.
However, in the emphasis of practical care, it is important that our compassion is seen not in how well we measure our practical care but in how well we see ourselves in kinship to all. We desire to learn form our neighbors, support those in need and advocate as often as possible for justice & mercy. We dream with those in our community, envisioning a future where the goodness of God is evident in the wellbeing of Lewis County.
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Practicing the Way of Jesus
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Jesus’ humanity was part of his story, and our humanity is part of that same redemptive story. Practicing the Way of Jesus is a redemptive and transformational journey.