2025 Classes for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Cooks Hill offers several opportunities for kids to get involved in movement, music and learning throughout the year. Sign up for the classes below. All classes run for 4-8 weeks at a minimal cost, a parent or guardian must stay on site for the duration of the class.

3 week classes - $15 per child
8 week classes - $40 per child

Beginning Tumbling & Gymnastics Registration

Thanks for your interest in the Beginning Tumbling & Gymnastics class! The class will go for 8 weeks, beginning January 27th on Mondays @ Cooks Hill Community Church in the Main Entrance, a parent/guardian must stay on site for the duration of the class.

Filling out this Registration form will tell us that you’re interested in a spot. After the class has been filled, we’ll send a PayPal invoice to pay to the first 30 sign ups. If you DO NOT receive an invoice via PayPal, then you did not make the first 30 sign ups and are on a waitlist.

The fee to register is $40/child. The fee covers all 8 weeks. There are limited spots available. We will take the registration forms in the order that we receive them, and then send out an invoice for payment. Once a registration has gone unpaid for 24 hours, we’ll move on to the next registration on list, and the claimed spot will be given to the next person in line. 😊

Register Today

Tot Classes

Tot classes launch in Spring and Summer 2025. Stay tuned for when registration opens!

This year our Tot classes are for toddlers and preschoolers and will run baseball, soccer and summer various games.

Registration Opens Soon: