What does it mean to practice the way of Jesus?
Following Jesus
Following Jesus is our life-consuming goal. We don’t believe that worship stops or starts on Sunday or that the pursuit of Jesus happens a few times a week. For us, we look at the life of Jesus and allow it to transform how we connect with community and go about our days. As we Practice the Way of Jesus, we experience deep and radical transformation in our lives. That transformation goes far beyond us, it impacts our families, our communities and has a ripple effect that we may only see a small portion of.

Baptism is a step in the journey of following Jesus. By making your decision to follow Jesus public and choosing to walk in obedience, entering the waters of baptism is an exciting and important step.
Enter the waters of Baptism
Start the Journey
Attend a weekly Practice.
Jesus’ humanity was part of his story, and our humanity is part of that same redemptive story. Practicing the Way of Jesus is a redemptive and transformational journey.