Local & Global Missions Partners
Eric & Virginia Spangler
Eric and Virginia are the Asia Area Directors for Free Methodist World Missions. Contact them here.
Family friendly radio for Southwest Washington. Find out more here.
Free Methodist World Missions
Free Methodist World Missions makes disciples by mobilizing the global church and empowering international leaders to establish transformational churches. Find out more here.
Hub City Mission
The Hub City Mission exists to mobilize the Body of Christ to meet needs in the community in tangible ways through four functions: table ministry, pantry, winter night shelter and hub city bike shop. Find out more here.
Lewis County Gospel Mission
Lewis County Gospel Mission (LCGM) helps meet the needs of hurting people and transforming lives by exercising the love of Jesus Christ in the Lewis County Gospel Mission facility and the Lewis County Jail. Learn more here.
Love Inc
Providing furniture, gas or food vouchers, transportation assistance, firewood, minor home repairs and referrals to other resources and ministries. Find out more here.
Set Free Ministries
Bringing emotional, physical and spiritual wellness to those who have suffered from sexual, drug, social, emotional, and physical abuses from others. Find out more here.
Salvation Army
The Salvation Army exists to meet human need wherever, whenever, and however we can. Find out more here.
Health & Hope Medical Outreach
Serving underprivileged and isolated people of Lewis County by providing holistic, quality healthcare & guidance in the name of Jesus Christ. Find out more here.
Possibilities Pregnancy Center
Providing free, confidential health services related to unexpected pregnancies and other sexual health concerns regardless of age, race, ethnicity, sexuality, immigration status, religion, income or living situation. Find out more here.
Gideons International
The Gideons International is an Association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus through sharing personally and by providing Bibles and New Testaments. Find out more here.