disciples are made in relationship

Small Group Leader Portal

Small Group Leader Update Information:

Small Group Culture Expecations

  • We must lead by example in contributing to our group life, family and culture, and not get hung up in just consuming content.

  • We understand that God desires all to be loved and experience relationship. So we work together to joyfully support and invest in each other.

  • At every opportunity possible, we will engage in praying for and with one another, bringing our own challenges, feelings & hurts as well as hopes and dreams to the table for prayer.

  • We will not gossip, share something shared with us in confidence, or allude to information that we have that someone else may not have.

  • No group of people can function in a healthy way if they let conflict simmer in relationships, we deal with conflict quickly and graciously.

  • Thriving groups listen well and give space for multiple opinions, viewpoints, and experiences to be shared, we understand that our group is most able to reach our community and love well by active listening first.

  • A disciple is a follower of Jesus, and we all are responsible to help others find and follow Jesus. At any point, ideally we can identify the person who we are helping become more like Jesus.

  • Much of what we think of other people’s words and actions are an assumption based on our own thinking or experiences. Asking questions like, “When you said _____, I thought ____, what did you mean? is helpful.

  • We limit our view of God as individuals and groups when we try to make God fit inside our understanding of possibility. We will dream big, pray big and believe big, knowing that our God comes through in ways we can’t accomplish on our own!

  • Our individual contribution to our group can only be as healthy as our ability to rest well and experience joy, even when the season is tough. We make an effort to play together, laugh throughout our time together and develop intentional rhythms of rest.

  • No one should ever leave a Cooks Hill small group or interaction having felt unseen or unheard, this requires that every group member @ Cooks Hill is making every opportunity for connection possible.

  • Ideally each of our group leaders is multiplying their group. Which means out of your group you should be identifying someone you can disciple to lead their own group and multiply groups that are making disciples at Cooks Hill.